Recreacion Historica en Junio; Re-enactment in June

I just received this item from our friends in Alcañiz.  Acabo de recibir esta noticia de nuestros amigos en Alcañiz



6  Y 7 DE JUNIO DEL 2009

La Asociación Frente de Aragón de Alcañiz, Organiza por tercer año consecutivo los días 6 y 7 de Junio del 2009, unas jornadas dedicadas a la recreación histórica.

La época, nuestra guerra civil del 36/39, concretamente en el llamado frente de Aragón, con el pueblo de Torre de Arcas  (Teruel) y comarca del Matarraña ambientado en esa época,  veremos combates callejeros y lucha en las trincheras, podremos pasear y observar la vida en los campamentos, ver y preguntar sobre todo el material que usamos y también como no sobre la posibilidad de pertenecer a alguno de nuestros grupos, serán dos días en los que  todos los visitantes podrán ver el evento como si de un museo viviente se tratara.

 Además habrá una feria de militaría en la que se podrán comprar y vender piezas originales de la época y todo tipo de material militar, para colección o decoración.

Estarán presentes al igual que en  las otras dos ediciones, todos los grupos de recreación de España, Francia e Inglaterra

Eventos como este, además de exposiciones, charlas, investigación y restauración de todos vestigios relacionados con la guerra civil española en nuestra comunidad, es a lo que se dedica esta asociación, toda persona interesada en contactar con nosotros puede dirigirse al correo electrónico de la asociación


Este año, dispondremos como atrezzo y ambientación de época, del camión comedor Ford V8 del cuartel general del ejercito nacional “Terminus”, coches de época a cargo de la asociación de vehículos históricos de Alcañiz. Hospital volante de campaña, artillería y todo el equipo y armamento que se podrá visitar en los dos campamentos montados a tal efecto


Antonio Aznar Fran                                                       Oscar Ibáñez Dominguez                             



 SABADO día 5 de Junio del 2009

12,00 h. Inauguración de la feria de Militaría, compra venta de objetos y antigüedades  relacionados con el tema militar y la guerra civil Española

 16,00 h. Jornada de puertas abiertas para visitar los diferentes campamentos de los grupos de recreación, se enseñaran al publico, tanto armamento como equipos  

 19,30 h.   Simulacro de combate en población, golpe de mano y emboscada           


DOMINGO Día 1 de Junio del 2008-03-07

 10,00 h.    Feria de militaría en el pabellón municipal de deportes

12,00 h.    Recreación histórica de una batalla en el frente de Aragón

April 15, 2009 Posted by | Events | Leave a comment

Paco Ibañez Concert Promises an Emotional Journey to the Past

paco-ibanezI have to admit Mr. Ibañez was new to me before I received this notice, but his fans are unequivocal in their support of this singer-songwriter whose style and lyrics conjure the sorrows of the death of the Republic and the aftermath of exile that so many suffered.   For those of you in range, his next concert, dedicated to the memory of poet Antonio Machado and to the Spanish Republic, will take place on February 21, appropriately in  Argeles sur Mer, site of one of the concentration camps where thousands of Spanish refugees were interned after the war.

February 16, 2009 Posted by | Events | Leave a comment

Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Opens New Exhibit


Scenes of Bravery and Determination: Walter Rosenblum’s Homage to the Spanish Republicans



Exhibition Opening and Reception


Thursday, January 22, 2009
 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Place: King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, 53 Washington Square South
Free of Charge
RSVP here

In the fall of 1946, the New York photographer Walter Rosenblum–a student and friend of Paul Strand and Lewis Hine–traveled to Toulouse, France, to record the relief work undertaken by the Unitarian Service Committee for the thousands of Spanish refugees living there since the end of the Civil War, seven years earlier. He came back with a series of haunting portraits, 25 of which will be part of an exhibit at the King Juan Carlos Center. 

“I had expected to find dejected and tired people,” Rosenblum later wrote, “but instead discovered bravery and determination.”

Sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, NYU Tamiment Library, and the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center. With special thanks to the Rosenblum family.


Click Here for more information

January 15, 2009 Posted by | Events | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Abraham Lincoln Brigade Veterans and Supporters Celebrate 70th anniversary of Despedida

Thank you to the individual who forwarded me this article.
Farida Jhabvala-Romero, Nov 13, 2008 

Bruce Barthol and Heather Bridger perform Barthol’s lyrics “Taste of Ashes.” Photo by Richard Bermack


Hilda Roberts, one of the few surviving veterans and a prominent Bay Area activist, and her daughter. Roberts was a nurse in the Spanish Civil War. Photo by Richard Bermack.


The 70th anniversary of the farewell or despedida to the Spanish Civil War’s International Brigades – thousands of volunteers who fought for the Spanish democratic government from 1936 to 1939 – was celebrated last Saturday November 1st in San Francisco.

The non-profit Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives hosted the event as part of its efforts to disseminate the extraordinary history of the nearly 2,800 Americans who were part of the International Brigades. The North American veterans came to be known collectively as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, since the first of them served as the Lincoln Battalion of the 15th International Brigade.

“They were people who wanted to fight for international social justice,” said Richard Bermack, 58, author of The Frontlines of Social Change: Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and Art Director of ALBA’s journal The Volunteer. “They believed in freedom for everyone, that people are responsible for other people.” 

In July 1936, Spanish armed forces led by Gen. Francisco Franco rebelled against the elected Republican Government. When Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy provided military and financial aid to Franco’s forces – while the US, Britain and France declared neutrality and an arms embargo – an estimated 40,000 volunteers from 52 nations joined the war to defend the Spanish democracy.

The Brigades “were fighting against Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy’s expansion through Europe,” said Peter Carroll, Chair of ALBA’s Board of Governors and author of The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. “Obviously, they also fought against Fascist racism. The Lincoln Brigade was the first fully integrated army of Americans – long before the US Army ordered desegregation.”

The Spanish Civil War, a brutal conflict with an estimated 500,000 to 1 million civilian casualties, increased tensions that lead up to World War II and is considered by some a first “modern war,” in part because of the weaponry and equipment used.

When it became clear that Western democracies would not help the Spanish Republic, the surviving International Brigades were pulled out of the conflict. On October 28, 1938, months before the defeat of the Republic and the beginning of Franco’s decades-long dictatorship, the city of Barcelona bid farewell to the Brigades during the Despedida parade.

“The Despedida was a very important event in Spain because it symbolized the struggle… it became clear what (the International Brigades) had done: take a stand for all humanity,” said Bermack. “It was also a bittersweet moment because they realized they had lost the war.”

During the anniversary celebration at Delancey Street Theater this month, original newsreel footage of the Despedida – screened for the first time in the US – showed thousands of people crowding Barcelona’s streets and cheering parading soldiers, who waved back and sometimes smiled. The film narrated the effusive and emotional signs of Spaniards’ gratitude and affection towards the departing brigadiers, who were declared heroes and showered with flowers.

“This is about honoring the incredible things they did,” said Joni Keller, whose parents Fred Keller and nurse Ruth Davidou were in the Lincoln Brigade. “It’s a poetic remembrance for the fact that they were there for their beliefs.” 

A similar sentiment was echoed by Elizabeth “Betita” Martinez, social justice activist and author of 500 Years of Chicano History In Pictures and Letters from Mississippi, on civil rights activists.

“I always loved the story about the veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade,” said Martinez, whose daughter Tessa Koning-Martinez participated in the event’s program. “I think about how people were ready to die… and there are still people like that in this country. I really hope that young people would respond today the way they did then.”

The reunion, attended by veterans, relatives and supporters, featured Tessa Koning-Martinez, Heather Bridger, Arthur Holden and Bruce Barthol, who read a script based on letters by members of the Brigades including Archie Brown, Milton Roberson, Ave Bruzzichesi and James Newgass. Images of these veterans were projected as background to the script, which was also based on additional documentary sources such as the celebrated farewell address of Dolores “La Pasionaria” Ibárruri from the Spanish Communist Party, and the writings of luminaries Ernest Hemingway and Dorothy Parker, who reported from the Spanish Civil War.

Barthol, who developed the script and is the resident composer for the San Francisco Mime Troupe, also performed his song “Taste of Ashes,” and “Viva la Quince Brigada,” a rallying song of the Brigades. 

“When I was a child in Madrid, there were walls in the city with bullet holes and I always wondered about that,” said Barthol. “Later I found what had happened and that’s how I got interested in the Brigades.”

To attend ALBA’s upcoming book launch party for War is Beatiful: The Journal of an American Ambulance Driver in the Spanish Civil War (New Press, 2008), based on a manuscript lost for 70 years, go to:
*City Lights Bookstore, San Francisco, on Tuesday November 18 at 7 p.m. 
*Mrs. Dalloway’s Bookstore in Berkeley on Saturday November 22 at 3 p.m.
For more information, visit

November 17, 2008 Posted by | Events | , , , , | Leave a comment

Calendar Entries for November

Two new calendar items for your consideration:


On Nov 1 in San Francisco will be the the Anniversary of the Despedida, organized by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives and sponsored by Casal del Nord.  More info here:


And on Saturday November 8th will be the East Coast version of the event in NYC.  Check the ALBA calendar for more details and for other events, possibly in your area:



On Nov 15th and 16th in Catalunya, Spain there will be two more events commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of the Battle of the Ebro.  The first in Flix and the second in La Fatarella.  More info here:

October 31, 2008 Posted by | Events | Leave a comment